More Testimonials About Philip Burley
Brightness and clarity of light…
“My first experience with Philip Burley came as I sat in the audience of a large spiritual conference. I was immediately impressed by his brightness and the clarity of light emanating out of his person. I felt his honesty, sincerity, and dedication to speaking the truth, and I knew I was in for a treat from a true mystic and teacher… I saw his aura expand and become even more radiant. A host of angels, spiritual guides, and masters stood all around him in full support of his mission. When Philip announced he would be channeling Saint Germain, he was immediately cloaked in the most beautiful violet and golden cape of energy from above and directly behind him… I watched in rapt attention as the soul we call Philip lifted out of his physical body upward and toward his left, and the soul we know as Saint Germain entered his body. The harmonious energies of these two great souls lifted the spirit of the entire auditorium to a new level of consciousness and healing.”
Michael T.
Teacher, Healer, Clairvoyant and Author
Heightened spiritual awareness…
“Philip’s life gives us an example of how we too can experience heightened spiritual awareness despite having to live in the ‘real’ world. At the same time, it reflects a more open-hearted and consistent devotion to God, truth, and love than most of us ever achieve.”
Anne E., MSW
Social Worker
His work is about fulfilling the purpose of our lives…
“Philip Burley is a man of deep sincerity, depth of skill, and great clarity. His dedication is centered in the awareness that the Spirit indwells us all, and his work is about calling that presence forth so we may live to fulfill the purpose of our lives. I highly recommend him as a helper on anyone’s spiritual quest.”
Rev. Bruce K.
Ordained Minister
About Spiritual Readings
A master at what he does…
“Since losing my son in 2005, I have had two very helpful consultations with Philip. They deepened and strengthened my own spiritual process, and they were the clearest experiences I have known in working with any kind of psychic reader. Philip is certainly a master at what he does.”
Hal S., PhD
Presence of my beloved mother…
“Philip’s reading for me was deeply meaningful. He felt the presence of my beloved mother soon after she made her transition to the spirit world, and I was very grateful to receive her words from the other side.”
Marie W.
Wellness Coach
A guidepost…
“Each reading has been a guidepost enabling me to take another giant step forward on my inward journey to God. The grace that I received through spirit has left me with a source of power, energy, and understanding of life, filling me with inspiration, guidance, and an ongoing sense of who I am and what I came to earth to accomplish … The clarity, gentle guidance, and profound love that I experienced infused me with enough residual energy to carry me through many months… I feel a deep and profound gratitude to Philip for being such a clear and pure vessel as a bridge between the two worlds.”
Mark R.
Choreographer, Dance Instructor
Certified Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong Teacher
The annual gift of a reading…
“I now give myself the annual gift of a reading with Philip… My own spiritual advancement has been exponential because of these precious encounters, and I am eternally grateful.”
Heather P.
Expression of gratitude for spiritual reading…
“… I am so very grateful for your reading and in awe of your mediumship. Thank you for … this reading. It will sustain me for some time. I feel your presence in my life daily. I am truly blessed. May you receive the blessings of good health, abundant love, and prosperity …”.
With love and gratitude,
Irene B.
I am so deeply grateful for the experience…
“It has been several weeks now since my reading with you … and I wanted to tell you how this experience has been working on me. I am so deeply grateful for the experience.
From the moment I discovered your books on Saint Germain, the Master’s loving and hopeful messages of encouragement struck me deeply, and I felt in my heart the supreme truth of the messages, so having an experience of Saint Germain talking directly to me, through you, shoring me up with loving encouragement, is something I will always treasure. I have listened to the recording several times now and hear something new each time. The experience has reinforced a sense that I am never alone, and that there are many guides always at the ready to assist me. It has been very comforting. …”
With Love,
Stacy C.
A beautiful gift on my life journey…
“My spiritual reading with Philip Burley was a beautiful gift on my life journey! Philip relayed to me the presence and messages of my husband, of my beloved father, mother, siblings (including a sister with whom I shared many years in a community of Franciscan sisters), friends, guides, teachers, and spiritual masters. Their words, together with Philip’s, banished several anxieties that had troubled me for years, and gave me new optimism about the future. I wholeheartedly recommend having such a reading, not just upon the loss of a loved one, but at any time of life.”
Therese S., EdD
Testament to his spiritual maturity, integrity, and dedication…
“The power and clarity with which Saint Germain speaks through Philip are testaments not only to the master’s level of enlightenment, but also to the spiritual maturity, integrity, and dedication of Philip Burley. What comes through the channel can be only as good as the capabilities of the medium allow it to be… and grace and wisdom permeate Philip’s channeling.”
Michael T.
Teacher, Healer,
Clairvoyant and Author
I recommend this experience…
“My reading with Philip Burley was amazing. Though I like to think I have a healthy degree of skepticism regarding paranormal events, he provided details of my life, wherein the truth of what he said could not be denied. I recommend this experience to anyone who has a heartfelt desire for spiritual direction and for answers to questions about his or her soul’s work on this physical plane.”
Catherine N.
Best I have ever received…
“Philip’s readings are the best I have ever received. They are filled with deep compassion and true inspiration. It has been so very special to be able to connect so intimately with Saint Germain.”
Yanni M.
Accurately predicted many events…
“I’ve had several readings with Philip… and he has accurately predicted many events in my life… The communications are personal and specific to my issues, always uplifting, and focused on my highest good and potential. A reading with Philip is a truly healing experience.”
Jeannie Y.
Experience hope, comfort, and peace…
“If you are eager to grow spiritually and discover who you truly are, if you are curious about what happens after we die, or if you are eager to communicate with those who have passed on, Philip’s work will provide you with the light you need to experience hope, comfort, and peace. Philip’s energy is so pure and bright that Spirit uses him as a conduit to inspire, educate, and soothe us with wisdom known to only a few special souls.”
Susan A., MA,
Author, Licensed Psychologist &
Certified School Psychologist
Going through a difficult transition…
“A reading from Philip profoundly changed my life, and I am forever grateful. Anyone going through a difficult transition will benefit from Philip’s incredible gifts and his ability to help people find their truth out of love, not fear.”
Sherina W., MEd
Feeling stuck…
“I prefer to receive my own guidance through prayer and meditation, but I had been feeling stuck. I am a trained intuitive and give readings myself, so I am very discerning about who I get a reading from… I knew from reading his book that Philip came from a place of wisdom and the highest integrity. In my reading I was given exactly what I needed to hear… I could see my life from an illuminated perspective that gave me lasting confidence and joy.”
Mari C., CHt, MIM
Certified Hypnotist and
Intuitive Counselor
Evidential information is given…
“I have had several psychic readings with Philip… It is not uncommon for me to shed tears of gratitude, having been so moved by the kind, encouraging words of a relative or guide. Evidential information is given that only you and the departed presence would know, confirming the authenticity of the contact.”
Pam O.
Manifestations still evolving…
“The manifestations of my personal reading with Saint Germain and Philip are still evolving… Archangel Michael, among others, has since been instrumental in helping me release the trauma of having been in Vietnam as well as other darkness of the past.”
William N.
Universal and timeless quality…
“I have had four readings with Philip. Each time, I felt personal care, love, and internal guidance specifically tailored to my life and needs at the time. I also found that even though the guidance was for me, it had a universal and timeless quality that made it something I could share with others.”
Cindy H.
More than we could have hoped…
“As most folks have, we have had difficult moments, especially over the past two years. But Philip’s readings carried us through, more than we could have hoped. Namaste.”
Evelyn and Rick L.
Healed in a fundamental way…
“In my first reading, words of wisdom, comfort, and acceptance were accompanied by the spiritual energy of a love so comprehensive and so compassionate that I was healed in a fundamental way, and I have never been the same. I cried tears of sorrow that I had kept bottled up for years and gained a lasting sense of hope. My gratitude to Philip endures.”
Anne E., MSW.
Social Worker
About Philip’s Books
A quick reality check…
“To Master Self is to Master Life provides priceless gifts of insight. I keep this book within arm’s reach to be used as a quick reality check. The wisdom of its words is validated in my experience as my life continues to unfold. The title sums up what is definitely one of life’s highest truths: To Master Self is to Master Life.”
Lisa D.
Certified Nutritional Consultant
A clear guide…
“To Master Self is to Master Life is a wonderfully clear guide to understanding and mastering the Self, allowing for a spiritually directed and inspired life. It is one of the best books of its kind.”
Dale I., PhD
Answered many questions…
“I have had a wonderful experience reading Philip Burley’s books, especially The Gift of Mediumship. It answered many of my questions about Philip’s profound experiences with spirit.”
Nancy H.
What really matters in life…
“The Gift of Mediumship is about what really matters in life—how to invest our God-given energy in daily actions of value and purpose. It is liberating to know that my daily attitudes, thoughts, and actions are the deciding factor in determining where I will be when I move on to the other side… Philip’s books bring more than understanding; they nurture the soul.”
Nancy H.
What really matters in life…
“The Gift of Mediumship is about what really matters in life—how to invest our God-given energy in daily actions of value and purpose. It is liberating to know that my daily attitudes, thoughts, and actions are the deciding factor in determining where I will be when I move on to the other side… Philip’s books bring more than understanding; they nurture the soul.”
R. D.
Not able to put it down…
“On a recent trip, I brought along The Spirit World, Where Love Reigns Supreme, and I was not able to put it down… I am buying four more copies for friends and keeping the other two in my office. My second mother passed away last week, and after reading Philip’s book, I feel fabulous knowing she is happy, safe, and embraced by the light.”
Robin J., PhD
Health Care Professional
Among the best of the body, mind, and spirit genre…
“A book among the best of the body, mind, and spirit genre, Heart’s Healing weaves together insights from the fields of psychology and energy and the author’s personal experience. The book makes a rich contribution to the contemporary dialog regarding life and the afterlife. Speaking to the mind and to the heart as it does, Heart’s Healing will be of value to students as well as those confronted with end of life issues.”
Therese Stewart, EdD
About Prayer and Meditation
Heartfelt and beautiful…
“Philip’s prayers are so heartfelt and beautiful. His example of how to pray inspires me to reach higher in my prayer-space.”
Raphaelle T.
Spiritual Counselor and
Healing Practitioner
Used to think I was alone…
“When I began participating in Philip’s Monday evening teleconferences to pray for America, it was an uplifting sparkle of sunshine in my week! …As I continued to say the prayer several times each day, I have discovered I have always been one with God—I just didn’t have the awareness. I used to think that I was alone, just attempting to live a relatively good life, but now I see I have never been alone and that my life is perfect. My thanks go to Philip.”
Porsche Y.
Life Coach
How fortunate I feel…
“After having readings and classes with Philip, through study, meditation, and prayer on my own I now have the ability to connect directly with God at the center of my being where spiritual help is always available. I have learned to ask questions, pose problems, and listen for answers that come from spirit with generous doses of wisdom, love, and humor. The deep center of peace I have found inside gives me confidence that the whole world is embraced by love, and that love itself is humanity’s path and destination. How fortunate I feel to have discovered this.”
Anne E., MSW
Social Worker
Helping to improve my life…
“Recently, before sleeping at night, I have again been listening to Philip’s guided meditations, and they are still helping me to improve my life!”
Eric W.
Father, Husband, Son,
Computer Programmer
Blanket of peace…
“When Philip took over so sweetly and started the meditation, I felt blissful in my soul, body, and mind. It was like taking a shower in the good feeling of letting go and letting God. When the meditation was done, I looked around the room, and every one of us was like a child, in a calm state of feeling. No one was different or distant from the other. It appears we had received the same blessing, as though we had all breathed a sigh of relief while waking from a dream. A blanket of peace had been placed over us. It was so beautiful…so beautiful…so beautiful.”
Helen C.